The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Crisis Hotline Name | Phone Number |
Al-Anon/Alateen | 477-9662 |
Alcoholics Anonymous | 438-5214 |
CEDARS Youth & Family Crisis (V/TDD) | 437-8888 |
Child Abuse and Adult/Elder Abuse Reporting | 800-652-1999 |
Drug Crisis Line | 475-5683 |
Fire and Medical Emergency | 911 |
Friendship Home Emergency Shelter | 437-9302 |
HHS Adult Protective Services | 800-652-1999 |
HHS Child Protective Services | 800-652-1999 |
HIV/AIDS – NE Hotline | 800-782-2437 |
Lancaster County Mental Health Center | 441-7940 |
Lincoln Police – Emergency | 911 |
Lincoln Police – Non-emergency | 441-7204 |
Lincoln Police – Non-emergency Teletypewriters (TTY), Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) | 441-7802 |
Nebraska Regional Poison Center | 800-222-1222 |
Suicide/Mental Health | 441-7940 |
UNL Police Department | 472-2222 |
Voices of Hope (formerly Rape-Spouse Abuse Crisis Center) | 475-7273 |