The purpose of the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women is to enhance the status of all women at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, by advising the Chancellor on issues pertaining to gender equity and on specific concerns of women faculty, staff and students at the university.
The Commission and each Council adhere to a policy of strict confidentiality. Conversations with the Chancellor are advisory and confidential. In addition, members of the university community should feel free to consult with members of the Commission and to express their opinions in confidence. The Commission shall not disclose to the Chancellor, or to others, any communication requested to be kept confidential by a member of the university community unless the content involves a topic that legally requires reporting.
Spotlight on Women
Faculty, Staff and Students
Danielle Jefferis
Jefferis named recipient of equality and justice award

Archives & Special Collections
University Libraries
Grace Reavis
Not long after studying at the University, Grace Reavis made history by becoming the Falls City treasurer in 1919. This was shortly after women were granted municipal suffrage in Nebraska. With this newfound right, many women, including Reavis, ran for offices in Falls City knowing they had a better chance of winning with the influx of woman voters. Five women were elected.